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Aspen Forests

How do we Restore Aspen Forests?

Total Estimated Time: 2-3 class periods, 165 minutes

In this investigation, students work with forestry land managers and scientists to evaluate and support aspen forest populations.

Part 1: Aspen health hunt! (Educational Game)
Is this a healthy aspen forest? (20-30 minutes)

  • Students use their observation skills and make rapid assessments about aspen forest health. Chain correct answers for bonus points, but be careful not to strike out!

Part 2: Plot assessment (Data collection and analysis)
What's happening here? (30-45 minutes)

  • Collect the same data that scientists do for a aspen plot. Analyze patterns of evidence to determine what the data tells you: Does this plot need restoration?

Part 3: Connect the pieces (Data interpretation)
What can we do? (30-45 minutes)

  • Combine your plot data with other data from the overall site. Determine what options might exist for restoration and support based on overall data patterns.

Part 4: Share your plan (Evidence-based argument and communication)
What is your recommendation? (30-45 minutes)

  • Develop and share your restoration plan for the aspen forest. How should we help based on what we know?